Family & Child Services

Tūāpapa Māmā & Pēpi Hub Services

Tūāpapa Māmā and Pēpi Services support the whānau to ensure everyone—pēpi, māmā, pāpā, nanny, and koro—is provided with the right tools to help them overcome life’s challenges.

Challenges can include parenting, breastfeeding, financial budgeting, nutrition, mental health, family health, dental, management of chronic conditions (diabetes, cardiovascular, etc.), advocacy support when dealing with government agencies, and many more.

The service is comfortably nestled at the cosy whānau hub, located at Pāpāmoa, where whānau have a safe space to discuss where they need support, rest, learn, and nourish their tinana and hinengaro.





Lactation Consultant Services

Free wai ū (breastfeeding) support and education before and after birth, including:

  • Milk production concerns
  • Pēpi weight concerns
  • Oral assessment (tongue tie)
  • Nipple/breast pain/damage
  • Nutrition support and breastfeeding beyond infancy
  • Weaning

Appointments are made at home, booked clinic, drop-in clinic, virtual clinic, or Tūāpapa Māmā and Pēpi hub.

Enquire Now



The kaiāwhina understands whānau goals and then suggests services that can help achieve these goals. The services can be anything from:

  • Family Health
  • Parenting
  • Advocating for you with government agencies (e.g. WINZ)
  • Maternal health/counselling
  • Financial advice
  • And the list goes on

Appointments are made at home or the Tūāpapa Māmā and Pēpi hub.

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Get in touch

If you have any questions regarding our Specialist Services for yourself or a family member, please contact clinic staff. We are here to help.

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© 2024. Te Manu Toroa Trust