Contact Us

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Please provide your email address so that we can contact you regarding your request.

We're here for you and your whānau.

If you have any questions about medical conditions, mental health, illness, recovery options and ongoing treatments, please get in touch.

We are happy to discuss treatment options for yourself or family members who may be in need. We even have mobile options if you or a family member are unable to travel to one of our clinics.

Phone 0800 114 900

Our General Practice Clinics

Tauranga Moana City GP Clinic

11 Tebbs Lane, Courtney Road, Gate Pā, Tauranga 3112
Phone: 0800 114 900
Email: [email protected]
Hours: 8.00am to 4:30pm

Book an Appointment

Te Akau Hauora GP Clinic

35 Hartford Avenue, Pāpāmoa Beach, Pāpāmoa 3118
Phone: 0800 114 900
Email: [email protected]
Hours: 8.00am to 4:30pm

Book an Appointment

© 2024. Te Manu Toroa Trust