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How we can help

Community Health

Our Community Nursing Services provide complete client management support.

Community Nursing Services include:
  • Assessment and planning of care for people living with chronic illnesses
  • Close monitoring of health care and response to client/whānau changing needs
  • Interpreting and developing individual care plans
  • Medication/medicine education
  • Assisting clients/whānau achieve and optimal level of health
  • Advocating/assisting at clinical specialist appointments at clinics within the hospital or community
  • Referrals to other healthcare services such as podiatry, hospital services etc

All our specialist services are provided in partnership with the client and whānau in a range of settings such as the client’s home, marae or community centre.

Interested in our services?

If you’re interested in our Community Nurse Services, please talk to your GP or another health professional about referring you to us. You don’t need to be enrolled with our clinics to access this service but will need a referral from health professionals.

View GP Clinics

How to access the service

If you’re interested in our Community Nurse Services, please ask your GP to refer you to us. You don’t need to be enrolled in our clinics to access this service, but you will need a referral from a GP.

View our GP Clinics

© 2024. Te Manu Toroa Trust